《市政技术》国际编委:Dr. Xijun Shi
Personal profile :
Dr. Xijun Shi is an Assistant Professor of civil engineering at Texas State University, USA. He received a PhD and an MS in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University. He graduated from the “Mao Yisheng” Honors Undergraduate Pavement Engineering Program at Southeast University in China. After his PhD graduation, Shi worked as an Assistant Research Scientist/Postdoc at the Center for Infrastructure Renewal (CIR) of Texas A&M University and a Postdoc at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). Shi is passionate about advancing sustainable, multifunctional infrastructure assets. His primary research interests lie in the areas of infrastructure materials and pavement engineering. Since joining Texas State University in Fall, 2020, Shi has already won an NSF research project, a NASA student project, and three internal research projects from Texas State University. Shi has more than 30 publications and was the lead author of 17 of the papers published in prestigious journals. Shi serves on several professional organizations, including American Concrete Institute (ACI), Transportation Research Board (TRB), and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Notably, Shi is a main member of TRB AKP 20 Standing Committee on Design and Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements and a voting member of ACI 555 committee Concrete with Recycled Materials. Shi is a co-chair of Concrete Pavements Committee of World Transport Convention (WTC). Shi also serves on the editorial board for several international journals. In addition, Shi is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Texas. He recently filed a patent about a sustainable, cost-effective cementitious material and won the 2021 TXST New Ventures competition to start his own company. Shi is a recipient of 2021 USDA E. Kika De La Garza Fellowship.
Representative papers :
[1]*Shi, X., Baranikumar, A., and Grasley, Z. (2021) "Estimating viscoelastic compliance of desiccating cementitious materials using drying prism tests." Cement and Concrete Research, 147, 106522.
[2]*Shi, X., Brescia, L., Tavares, C., and Grasley, Z. (2020) "Semicircular bending fracture test to evaluate fracture properties, ductility, and toughness of cement mortar reinforced by scrap tire recycled steel fiber." Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 236, 107228.
[3]*Shi, X., Park, P., Rew, Y., Huang, K., and Sim, C. (2020). "Constitutive behaviors of steel fiber reinforced concrete under uniaxial tension and compression." Construction and Building Materials, 233, 117316.
[4]*Shi, X., Brescia, L., Grasley, Z., and Hogancamp, J. (2020). "Fracture properties and restrained shrinkage cracking resistance of cement mortar reinforced by recycled steel fiber from scrap tires. " Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674(8), 581-590.
[5]*Shi, X., Grasley, Z., Hogancamp, J., Brescia, L., Mukhopadhyay, A., and Zollinger, D. (2020)" Microstructural, mechanical, and shrinkage characteristics of cement mortar containing fine reclaimed asphalt pavement. "Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32(4), 04020050.
[6]*Shi, X., Zollinger, D., and Mukhopadhyay, A. (2020). "Punchout study for continuously reinforced concrete pavement containing reclaimed asphalt pavement using pavement ME models." International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 21(10), 1199-1212.
[7]*Shi, X., Mirsayar, M., Mukhopadhyay, A., and Zollinger, D. (2019) " Characterization of two-parameter fracture properties of portland cement concrete containing reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregates by semicircular bending specimens." Cement and Concrete Composites, 95, 56-69.
[8]*Shi, X., Mukhopadhyay, A., Zollinger, D., and Grasley, Z. (2019) "Economic input-output life cycle assessment of concrete pavement containing recycled concrete aggregate." Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, 414-425.
[9]Shi, X., Rew, Y., Ivers, E., Shon, C.-S., Stenger, E. M., and *Park, P. (2019). "Effects of thermally modified asphalt concrete on pavement temperature." International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 20(6), 669-681.
[10]Shi, X., *Mukhopadhyay, A., and Zollinger, D. (2019). "Long-term performance evaluation of concrete pavements containing recycled concrete aggregate in Oklahoma." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673(5), 429-442.
[11]*Shi, X., Mukhopadhyay, A., Zollinger, D., and Huang, K. (2019). "Performance evaluation of jointed plain concrete pavement made with portland cement concrete containing reclaimed asphalt pavement." Road Materials and Pavement Design, 1-23. DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2019.1616604.
[12]*Shi, X., Mukhopadhyay, A., and Zollinger, D. (2018). "Sustainability assessment for portland cement concrete pavement containing reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregates." Journal of Cleaner Production, 192, 569-581.
[13]Shi, X., *Mukhopadhyay, A., and Liu, K.-W. (2017). "Mix design formulation and evaluation of portland cement concrete paving mixtures containing reclaimed asphalt pavement." Construction and