Haopeng Wang
Dr. Haopeng Wang is currently a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at the Nottingham Transportation Engineering Center of University of Nottingham. This fellowship was sponsored by the European Union’s flagship funding program under Horizon 2020. He graduated from School of Transportation at Southeast University where he obtained his BSc and MSc degrees in 2013 and 2016, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree from Delft University of Technology in September 2021. His research interests include multiphysics modelling of pavement materials and structures, polymer physics and chemistry, micromechanics of infrastructure materials, damage mechanisms in asphalt mixture (fracture, fatigue and healing), and sustainable pavement materials and technologies. He has an internationally recognised track record of publications in the fields of sustainable asphalt materials and engineering mechanics. He also serves as a reviewer for both domestic and international journals. Dr. Wang is a member of several international academic associations, e.g., Transportation Research Board (TRB), RILEM, International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP), Academy of Pavement Science and Engineering (APSE), and International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals (IACIP). He is the recipient of several academic awards from prestigious international associations and conferences. He is also actively involved in organizing academic conferences, e.g., Transportation Research Congress (TRC) and Chinese-European Workshop on functional pavements (CEW). He also participates in several industrial innovations.
Ph.D.(Sep. 2016 - Sep. 2021) in Pavement Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
M.Sc. (Sep. 2013 - Jun. 2016) in Highway and Railway Engineering
School of Transportation, Southeast University, China
B.Sc. (Aug. 2009 - Jun. 2013) in Highway and Bridge Engineering
School of Transportation, Southeast University, China
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow (Oct. 2021 - present) in Nottingham Transportation Engineering Center, The University of Nottingham, UK
Research Associate (May 2021 - Sept. 2021) in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Research Assistant (Oct. 2020 - Apr. 2021) in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
• Multiphysics modelling of pavement materials and structures
• Polymer physics and chemistry
• Micromechanics of infrastructure materials
• Damage mechanisms in asphalt mixture (Fracture, Fatigue and Healing)
• Sustainable pavement materials and technologies
Total citations: 613 H-index: 16 i-10 index: 21
Referred Journal Articles(* represents corresponding author)
1.Wang, H., Liu, X., Apostolidis, P., Wang, D., Leng, Z., Lu, G., Erkens, S. and Skarpas, A. (2021). Investigating the High- and Low-temperature Performance of Warm Crumb Rubber Modified Bituminous Binders using Rheological Tests. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements. (Q3)
2.Wang, H., Liu, X., Varveri, A., Zhang, H., Erkens, S., Skarpas, A., and Leng, Z. (2021). Thermal aging behaviors of the waste tire rubber used in bitumen modification. Progress in Rubber Plastics and Recycling Technology. Permalink (Q4)
3.Wang, H., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Skarpas, A., Erkens, S., & Leng, Z. (2021). Micromechanics-based complex modulus prediction of crumb rubber modified bitumen considering interparticle interactions. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 1-18. Permalink (Q1, IF=3.792)
4.Wang, H., Liu, X., Apostolidis, P., Erkens, S., Skarpas, A. and Zhu, J. (2020). The Role of Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Rubber-Bitumen Systems: A Theoretical Overview. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. Permalink (Q1, IF=4.139)
5.Wang, H., Liu, X., Apostolidis, P., van de Van, M., Erkens, S. and Skarpas, A. (2020). Effect of Laboratory Aging on Chemistry and Rheology of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen. Materials and Structures, 53, 26. Permalink (Q2, IF= 3.428)
6.Wang, H., Liu, X., Erkens, S. and Skarpas, A. (2020). Experimental Characterization of Storage Stability of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen with Warm-mix Additives. Construction and Building Materials, 249, 118840. Permalink (Q1, IF=6.141)
7.Wang, H., Liu, X., Apostolidis, P., Erkens, S. and Skarpas, A. (2020). Experimental Investigation of Rubber Swelling in Bitumen. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674(2), 203-212. Permalink (Q3, IF=1.56)
8.Wang, H., Liu, X., Zhang, H., Apostolidis, P., Erkens, S. and Skarpas, A. (2020). Micromechanical Modeling of Complex Shear Modulus of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen. Journal of Materials and Design, 188, 108467. Permalink (Q1, IF=7.991)
9.Wang, H., Liu, X., van de Van, M., Lu, G., Erkens, S. and Skarpas, A. (2020). Fatigue performance of long-term aged crumb rubber modified bitumen containing warm-mix additives. Construction and Building Materials, 239, 117824. Permalink (Q1, IF=6.141)
10.Wang, H., Liu, X., Zhang, H., Apostolidis, P., Scarpas, T. and Erkens, S. (2020). Asphalt-rubber interaction and performance evaluation of rubberised asphalt binders containing non-foaming warm-mix additives. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 21(6), 1612-1633. Permalink (Q1, IF=3.792)
11.Wang, H., Yang, J., Lu, G. and Liu, X. (2020). Accelerated Healing in Asphalt Concrete via Laboratory Microwave Heating. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 48(2), 739-757. Permalink (Q3, IF=1.264)
12.Wang, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Feng, S., Lu, G. and Cao, L. (2019). Laboratory and Numerical Investigation of Microwave Heating Properties of Asphalt Mixture. Materials (Basel), 12(1), 146. Permalink (Q2, IF=3.623)
13.Wang, H., Liu, X., Apostolidis, P., Erkens, S. and Scarpas, T. (2019). Numerical investigation of rubber swelling in bitumen. Construction and Building Materials, 214, 506-515. Permalink (Q1, IF=6.141)
14.Wang, H., Lu, G., Feng, S., Wen, X. and Yang, J. (2019). Characterization of Bitumen Modified with Pyrolytic Carbon Black from Scrap Tires. Sustainability, 11(6), 1631. Permalink (Q2, IF=3.251)
15.Wang, H., Liu, X., Apostolidis, P. and Scarpas, T. (2018). Non-Newtonian Behaviors of Crumb Rubber-Modified Bituminous Binders. Applied Sciences, 8(10), 1760. Permalink (Q2, IF=2.679)
16.Wang, H., Liu, X., Apostolidis, P. and Scarpas, T. (2018). Review of warm mix rubberised asphalt concrete: Towards a sustainable paving technology. Journal of Cleaner Production, 177, 302-314. Permalink (Q1, IF=9.297)
17.Wang, H., Liu, X., Apostolidis, P. and Scarpas, T. (2018). Rheological Behavior and Its Chemical Interpretation of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Containing Warm-Mix Additives. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2672(28), 337-348. Permalink (Q3, IF=1.56)
18.Wang, H., Yang, J., Liao, H. and Chen, X. (2016). Electrical and mechanical properties of asphalt concrete containing conductive fibers and fillers. Construction and Building Materials, 122, 184-190. Permalink (Q1, IF=6.141)
Editor of Books
1.Chen, X., Yang, J., Oeser, M., and Wang, H. (Eds.). (2020). Functional Pavements: Proceedings of the 6th Chinese-European Workshop on Functional Pavement Design (6th CEW 2020, October 18-21, 2020, Nanjing, China). CRC Press.
Authorized Patents
1.Yang, J., Wang, H., Wang, Z., Gong, M., Wang, X., Chen, X., Wang, J., and Chen, X. Evaluation method of self-healing ability of asphalt mixture. China Patent (Patent No. CN103487333B), June 17, 2015.
2.Wang, H., Yang, J., Chen, X., and Yu, Z. Forming mold for asphalt test pieces of bending beam rheometer. China Patent (Patent No. CN103487307A), January 1, 2014
Academic Events
• Member of the Young Committee, Transportation Research Congress (TRC), November 5-7, 2021, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
• Member of the Young Committee, International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering (iFRAE), July 12-14, 2021, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
• Secretary of Executive Committee, 6th Chinese-European Workshop (CEW) on functional pavements, October 18-21, 2020, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
• Member of the Organizing Committee, 8th International Transportation PhD Student Symposium, Sep. 12-13, 2019, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
• Organizer, Pavement Engineering Section Colloquium, Delft University of Technology, 2016-2020, Delft, The Netherlands
Academic Journal
• Young Academic Editor of Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2020-2022
•Outstanding Graduate Student Award of Wang Binggang Foundation, 2021
•Outstanding Service by a Student Member Award, Academy of Pavement Science and Engineering (APSE), 2021
•First Prize, International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals (IACIP) Outstanding Graduate Student Award, 2020
•Best Presentation Award, the 8th International Transportation PhD Student Symposium, 2019
•Student Best Poster Award, The 8th International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals (IACIP) Annual Meeting, 2018